DCA Constitution

Derbyshire Chess Association Constitution and Rules

(As approved at the Annual Council Meeting of the newly constituted DCA 2006)

The Association shall he called the ‘Derbyshire Chess Association’, and is referred to hereinafter as the ‘DCA’


(a) To promote the playing of chess in the County of Derbyshire.
(b) To organise competitive chess activities by means of the Derby & District Chess League (D&DCL), the Individual County Championship, and any other activities as deemed appropriate.
(c) To represent Derbyshire in regional and national chess organisations and provide teams for related competitions.


(a) The authority of the DCA shall be vested in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of members, which will be held once each year, in May, to consider the past year’s achievements & financial position, award trophies, elect Officers, approve a general programme for the coming year, recommend fees, and consider any modifications to the Constitution and Rules.
(b) The work of the DCA shall he carried out by its duly elected Officers, after approval of the programme by the AGM, and by a Council meeting in early September.
(c) The DCA Chairman will chair the AGM, Council and Executive meetings. In his absence the General Secretary will receive nominations for Chairman, who will then be elected for that meeting on a show of hands.
(d) Meetings will be held at a convenient venue in the County.


(a) A Chess Club is affiliated to the DCA if it is based in Derbyshire, if it is a member of the D&DCL or any other league based in Derbyshire. All members of such clubs will be eligible to participate in DCA events 
(b) Membership of the DCA will comprise:
(i) Any participant in DCA competitive chess activities.
(ii) Such persons as the DCA may approve as conducive to the objectives of the DCA.
(c) The DCA may create such new categories of affiliation & membership as are deemed likely to secure financial support & sponsorship for DCA activities or in recognition of services to chess in Derbyshire. 


(a) The Officers of the DCA shall comprise:
Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer
(b) Delegates to the British Chess Federation & the Midland Counties Chess Union.
Additional Officers as deemed necessary such as:
Grading Officer, Individual Championship Controller, Derby & District Chess League Controller(s), County Team Captain(s).
(c) Officers shall be elected by the AGM for 1 year, and shall be eligible for re-selection at the end of their term of office.


(a) The Executive will comprise the Officers listed in 5 above. It shall meet to finalise the agenda for the AGM and Council meetings and any other times as required.


(a) The General Secretary will notify members, via the secretaries of affiliated clubs, not less than 14 days in advance, of the proposed date for the AGM with details of the agenda for the meeting
(b) The AGM will only proceed in the presence of a Quorum of 8 Members. In the absence of a Quorum, members will be notified, and a meeting re-convened within the next 28 days
(c) All proposals shall be notified to the General Secretary not later than 21 days prior to the meeting each year so that the proposals may be issued with the notice of the meeting
(d) Proposals dealing with the Constitution and Rules of the DCA will require two-thirds or more of all votes cast for approval. Any amendments to such proposals will be written down and signed by a proposer and seconder. These can be given to the secretary before the meeting or the Chairman during the meeting. Other proposals will he approved on a simple majority and amendments will be taken at the Chairman’s discretion. The voting will be on a show of hands with the Chairman having a casting vote. 
(e) The AGM will deal with the following general matters:
(i) The minutes of the last AGM and matters arising.
(ii) Matters arising from the last Council meeting which affect AGM decisions
(iii) Reports from each of the Officers on their activities during the year
(iv) The Presentation of Trophies & Prizes for DCA Competitions.
(v) Election of Officers and an Auditor for the next year, and of representatives to Regional & National Organisations.
(vi) Ongoing & new programmes for the coming year 
(vii) Any other business.
(f) The AGM will consider the Financial Report of the Treasurer, based on the situation at April 30th each year, including:
(i) The Treasurer’s report of the Financial position of the DCA, including Cash Income & Expenditure for the year, and the Balance Sheet showing Cash assets (supported by Building Society statements), any sums owing and owed at year-end, compared with the previous year, and the projected Cash Income & Expenditure for the next year.
(ii) The Financial Reports from other Officers holding DCA funds shall be consolidated into the Treasurer’s Report, which should be Audited, or independently confirmed by the General Secretary or other Officer of the DCA
(g) The AGM will recommend the levels of fees to he charged and expenditure to be paid out for the coming year, based on the Treasurer’s proposals, and subject to confirmation at the Council meeting, so as to achieve not less than a break-even for the year, and to recover any short-falls which may have occurred in the previous year.


(a) The Council meeting will be open to all members as defined in Section 4. The General Secretary will notify the Secretaries of Affiliated Clubs, not less than 14 days in advance, of the proposed date and Agenda for the Council meeting, to he held as early as possible in September.
(b) The Council meeting will only proceed in the presence of a Quorum of 6 attendees. In the absence of a Quorum, all Affiliated Clubs will he notified, and a meeting re-convened within the next 28 days
(c) The Council meeting will conduct the following business:
(d) Finalise details of competitions to be held in the coming season.
(i) Review and confirm the levels of fees to be charged and paid out, as put forward at the AGM, or modify these in the light of any new circumstances.
(ii) Consider any matters which have arisen or proqressed since the AGM
(e) Voting will be conducted by a show of hands with the Chairman having a casting vote. 


(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by a request from at least 3 Members of the Executive, or by at least 10 Members of the Association. The request must include a proposal in writing supported, in writing, by 3 members of the Executive or 10 members of the Association. On receiving such a request the secretary shall call an EGM within 21 days giving 14 days notice to members.
(b) An Executive meeting may be called by the Chairman or General Secretary at any time.


(a) The Association’s funds shall be expended solely in the interests of the DCA.
(b) Expenditure incurred by an Officer in normal fulfillment of his Office shall be reimbursed in full on submission of an Expense claim, with appropriate supporting evidence.
(c) All Competition fees are payable as deemed appropriate by the Executive.. The AGM will recommend any discounts or surcharges to be applied for early or late payment.
(d) Any Member or Club whose Competition fees are unpaid at the end of the financial year (April 30th.) may, at the discretion of the AGM & Executive, be excluded from the DCA, & such exclusion shall not remove liability for payment.
(e) An AGM or Council meeting may re-admit to Membership any person or Club so excluded, provided that a payment has been made to DCA satisfaction.
(f) The following records shall be kept and shall be open to any Member on request:
(i) Cash Account & records of receipts & payments
(ii) Inventory of assets.
(iii) Copies of the minutes of the AGM & Council meetings
(iv) Copies of the Constitution arid Competition Rules.
(g) The AGM will confirm any Officers, other than the Treasurer, who are authorised to receive payments, hold funds, and make payments on behalf of the DCA.


(a) A player must satisfy MCCU & ECF Rules when representing the DCA in any National competitions
(b) Competitions shall be organised & played in accordance with the relevant DCA Competition Rules.
(c) The latest FIDE Rules, as approved by the ECF, shall govern all games played in DCA Competitions.
(d) Unless otherwise decided at AGM or Council, all non-Junior Competitions will be graded.
(e) The General Secretary will establish, and revise before each Council meeting, a Register of Affiliated Clubs, their Officers and playing venues.


(a) Trophies are awarded each year, and will he presented by the DCA Chairman at the AGM
(b) The Trophies are the property of the DCA and the holders are expected to exercise due care and return them to the General Secretary by May 1st. each year.
(c) The Treasurer is responsible for insuring the Trophies.

The DCA will maintain such relationships with other Chess Associations & Leagues in the area, and with Regional & National bodies, and with local Authorities and potential Sponsors as are in the best interests of the Association.


Trophies held by DCA

– The Robinson Board, given by Lt.Col.V.O. Robinson, to the County Champion, the Harry Broughton Cup, given by Mr.H.Broughton of Bakewell, to the overall winner of the ‘A’ section of the Individual Championship.

– The Dorothy I Harrison Trophy, given by Mrs. D. Harrison, to the highest placed player graded below BCF 130 in the ‘A’ section of the Individual Championship.

– The O’Shea Vase, given by Dr.R.A O’Shea, to the winner of the Lightning/Quickplay Competition.

– The Association’s Silver Cup to the County Junior Champion.

– High Peak (HP Huss) Trophy for winners of Derbyshire League

– Harry Ratner Trophy for Juniors